XIIIe Colloque international hippocratique
University of Texas at Austin
Lesley Dean-Jones
Le XIIIe Colloque international Hippocratique se tiendra cette année à l'Université du Texas à Austin, du 11 au 13 août 2008.
Page web officielle: http://www.utexas.edu/depts/classics/events/hippocratic/program.html
University of
Texas at Austin, 11, 12 and 13 August, 2008
Colloquium Hippocraticum
Hippocratic about the Hippocratics?
The Monday and Wednesday sessions will be held in
the Quadrangle Room of the Texas Union,
the Tuesday sessions in the Sig
Auditorium of the Dell Children’s Center.
August 11th: The
Formation of the Corpus
7:30-8:20: Shuttles to Texas Union from hotel
7:30-8:20: Registration and breakfast buffet in
Lone Star Room
8:30-8:45: Opening remarks by Dr. Randy Diehl, Dean
of Liberal Arts
8:45-10:45: First paper session: Early Days
Philip van der Eijk, “The first and the second
Hippocrates,” University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Paul Demont, “Géographie, histoire et organization
de la medicine selon Platon,” Université de Paris, Sorbonne.
Susan Prince, “The Peripatetic Hippocrates and
other Monists in the Anonymus Londinensis,” University of
Eric D. Nelson, “History of an Appendix: What’s
Hippocratic about the Pseudepigraphics?” Pacific Lutheran University.
10:45-11:00: Tea/Coffee
11:00-12:30: Second paper session: Hippocrates’
Rising Star?
Ann Hanson, “Hippocratic writers and ancient
readers: authorship and individuation,” Yale University.
Amneris Roselli, “Ippocrate testimone di verità, da Apollonio di
Cizio a Galeno,” Università di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’.
Rebecca Flemming, “From Corpus to Canon(s):
Debating the Hippocratic in the Roman Empire,” Jesus College Cambridge.
12:30-2:00: Lunch@Blanton Art Museum
2:00-3:30: Third paper session: Galen’s view of
Véronique Boudon-Millot, “What does Galen mean by
Hippocratics and Hippocrateans?” Université de Paris, Sorbonne
Todd Curtis, “Galen’s approach to what is
Hippocratic in De natura hominis: A rhetorical analysis of In
Hippocratis librum de natura hominis II,” University of Newcastle
upon Tyne.
R.J. Hankinson, “Galen on Hippocratic physics,”
University of Texas at Austin.
3:30-4:00: Tea/Coffee
4:00-5:00: Keynote address: Jacques Jouanna,
Université de Paris, Sorbonne
"Le régime dans la
Collection hippocratique: la notion de diaita, et les grands problèmes."
5:00-6:00: Shuttles to hotel & reception
6:00-8:00: Opening reception in Texas Medical
Association Gallery
Exhibit: “The History of Medical Illustration”
August 12th:
Drugs and Desire within and beyond the Corpus
8:15 a.m.: Bus leaves hotel
8:30-9:00: Breakfast buffet at Dell Children’s
9:00-10:30: Fourth paper session:
Pharmaceutical practice among the Hippocratics and others
John Scarborough, “Some organizational principles
and pharmaceutical therapies in the Hippocratic Diseases of Women I,”
University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Alain Touwaide, “What’s Hippocratic about the
Hippocratics? The contribution of materia medica and therapeutics,”
Smithsonian Institution.
Laurence Totelin, “Hippocratic and Aristophanic
recipes: same difference,” University of Cambridge, Dept. of History
and Philosophy of Science.
10:30-10:45: Tea/Coffee
10:45-12:15: Fifth paper session: Desire as
Brooke Holmes, “What is medical about medicine?
The problem of pleasure,” Princeton University.
Jennifer Kosack, “Fighting and mastering disease:
metaphors and masculinity,” Bowdoin College.
Leanne McNamara, “‘Love is like the Measles.’
Hippocratic and non-Hippocratic approaches to lovesickness,” University
of Melbourne.
12:15-1:15: Lunch@Sig Auditorium
1:15-2:15: Keynote address: Heinrich von
Staden, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
“The Oath and the oaths: Is
the Hippocratic Oath Hippocratic?”
2:30: Bus leaves Dell campus
2:45-4:45: Free time for Blanton/HRC/Texas History
Museum, Capitol, etc.
4:45-6:30: Tour of Austin & Lake Austin with
“Austin Duck Adventures”
6:30-8:00: Banquet @ Shoreline Grill
8:30-9:00: Bat-watching & drinks on patio
9:00: Bus returns to hotel
August 13th:
Patterns and Distinctions in the medical thought of Classical Greece
7:45-8:30: Shuttles to Texas Union from hotel
8:30-9:00: Breakfast buffet in Lone Star Room
9:00--10:30: Sixth paper session: Dreams and
Eros in Hippocratic and Asklepeian Healing
Maithe Hulskamp, “Medical dreams in the
Hippocratic Corpus,” University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Bronwen Wickkiser, “Erotic experience in the cures
of Asclepius and the Hippocratics,” Vanderbilt University.
Marquis Berrey, “Male erotic desire in the
Hippocratics,” University of Texas at Austin.
10:30-10:45: Tea/Coffee
10:45-12:15: Seventh paper session:
Hippocratic Bodies, whole and parts
Patrick Macfarlane, “Teeth in the Hippocratic
Corpus,” Providence College.
Roberto Lopresti, “Perceiving the coherence of the
perceiving body,” University of Palermo.
Robert Alessi, “Bodily features in the Corpus
Hippocraticum: remarks about the method of classification of
individuals into groups,” Université de Poitiers.
12:15-2:00: Lunch @ AT&T Executive Center
2:15-3:45: Eighth paper session: Connections
of Language and Ideas within the Corpus
Elizabeth Craik, “The affiliations of Glands
to other Hippocratic treatises,” University of St. Andrews.
Pilar Pérez Cañizares, “The treatise Affections
in the context of the Hippocratic Collection,” University of Newcastle
upon Tyne.
Juan Antonio López Férez, “Autómatos y su familia
léxica en el Corpus hippocraticum,” UNED Madrid.
3:45-4:00: Tea/Coffee
4:00-5:30: Ninth paper session:Hippocrates
and the Sophists
Makoto Anzai, “The Authorship of the Hippocratic De
arte,” Hokkaido University.
Joel Mann, “On the (distinctively Hippocratic?)
Art,” St. Norbert’s College.
Ralph Rosen, “Towards a Hippocratic anthropology? On
Ancient Medicine and the origin of humans,” University of
5:30-5:45: Wrap-up
5:45-6:15: Shuttles to hotel
- 5590 lectures